Sage è un concept bar naturale con una forte ispirazione floreale e mescola l’esperienza culinaria di una volta con ingredienti semplici e tradizionali.
Sage is a natural concept bar with a strong floral inspiration and mixes the culinary experience of the past with simple and traditional ingredients.
Sage is a natural concept bar with a strong floral inspiration and mixes the culinary experience of the past with simple and traditional ingredients.
Graphic design
L’identità del brand è fortemente caratterizzata dalla geometria delle foglie che incoronano il logotipo e dalla font serif dallo spirito fresco e moderno.
The brand identity is strongly characterized by the geometry of the leaves that crown the logo and the serif font with a fresh and modern spirit.
The brand identity is strongly characterized by the geometry of the leaves that crown the logo and the serif font with a fresh and modern spirit.
La riuscita del brand Sage è il giusto mix tra distinguersi dai competitor e mantenere un'immagine classica e riconoscibile nei minimi dettagli.
The success of the Sage brand is the right mix between standing out from competitors and maintaining a classic and recognizable image down to the smallest details.
The success of the Sage brand is the right mix between standing out from competitors and maintaining a classic and recognizable image down to the smallest details.
Disegni fantastici arrichiscono un layout efficace:
la creatività premia sempre.
Fantastic designs enrich an effective layout:
creativity always rewards.
la creatività premia sempre.
Fantastic designs enrich an effective layout:
creativity always rewards.